Guest speakers, prayer meetings, men, women, and more
We love meeting with family to sing, prophesy, learn and pray together.
Come as you are - anyone is welcome!
7pm @ Church at the Barn
Let's be honest... Most men love to eat. So we meet on the first Saturday of each month to eat, fellowship, and tell great stories.
First Saturdays/mo
8am @ Church at the Barn Fellowship Hall (unless otherwise noted)
And ladies also love to eat and fellowship! So on the first Saturday of each month, our ladies have brunch following the men's breakfast.
First Saturdays/mo
10:30am @ Church at the Barn Fellowship Hall (unless otherwise noted)
The praying body of Christ accomplishes the will of God on earth. We meet monthly as a unified body to pray and decree.
Second Sundays/mo
7pm @ Church at the Barn
Click here to follow us on Facebook to get up-to-date changes on events and more!
Healing Room Ministries
The Gillette Healing Rooms is the local branch of an international ministry. We are blessed to house their meetings in our church, though they are recognized as a separate ministry.
First and Third Thursday/mo
October - March 3:30-6:30pm
April - September 5:30-8:30pm
You can learn more about the local ministry by clicking here. Or learn more about the international ministry here.